General Information
The nation's medical research agency - the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - has a massive campus running cutting edge research and development, supported heavily by advanced technology and innovation. With this comes a unique audience of scientists and personnel with special applications.
Reach them face-to-face at NIH Tech Day! All personnel on the NIH campus receive FBC's wide-reaching promotions for this exciting event. Now's the time to show them that your product or service is what they've been missing.
NIH Mission and Goals:
NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and to apply that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life and reduce illness and disability.
To carry out this mission, NIH’s goals are: to foster fundamental creative discoveries, innovative research strategies and their applications as a basis for ultimately protecting and improving health; to develop, maintain and renew scientific human and physical resources that will ensure the nation’s capability to prevent disease; to expand the knowledge base in medical science and associated sciences in order to enhance the nation’s economic well-being and ensure a continued high return on the public investment in research; and to exemplify and promote the highest level of scientific integrity, public accountability and social responsibility in the conduct of science.
NIH is an operating division of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), responsible for helping the Department realize its strategic goal of advancing scientific knowledge and innovation.
To accomplish this, NIH consists of 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs), along with Program Offices, which collectively are referred to as ICOs. These ICOs have individual strategic plans and specific research agendas, which are aligned with the legislative mandates that are often related to specific diseases or body systems. To support these missions, most of NIH’s ICOs receive a specific appropriation from Congress, and support research and research training through extramural funding awarded to universities, academic health centers and other research institutions. Most also conduct research and research training in their own intramural laboratories, the majority of which are located on the NIH’s main campus in Bethesda, MD.
From the NIH Strategic Plan:
NIH will support a broad, balanced portfolio of basic research across a wide range of scientific disciplines, a portfolio that will be complemented by vigorous support of innovations in technology and data science. By maintaining and strengthening its already impressive foundation of fundamental science, biomedical research will be poised to identify and capitalize upon potential opportunities for revolutionary breakthroughs with the potential for preventing, treating and curing disease.
Read the full NIH-Wide Strategic Plan
Marketing Services Package Fee:
Standard Marketing Package
Premium Marketing Package
Event Sponsor (Sold Out)
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Marketing Service Package
The Standard Marketing Package Includes:
- Increased brand awareness through face-to-face interaction with agency attendees
- Company description and contact info in the Exhibitor Guide handed to all attendees
- Pre-event promotional activity handled by FBC and our event hosts at NIH
- Admission to exhibit hall for 2 company reps at expo
- Table, 2 chairs and standard electricity
The Premium Marketing Package Includes:
- All the Standard Marketing Service Package items
- Half-page full-color ad in the Exhibitor Guide
- Logo in the Exhibit Guide next to your company listing
- Company included on the "Thank You To Our Sponsors" signage
Due to ongoing privacy policy updates and concerns, the agency may disallow the attendee list at a later date. You may collect any names and POC information at your booth.
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