INFOPAC 2024 (formerly the Pacific IO & EW Symposium)
USINDOPACOM AOC Association of Old Crows

October 21 2024 | Alohilani Hotel (Meet & Greet Social - INVITE ONLY)

October 22 & 23 2024 | Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach (UNCLASSIFIED plenary)

October 24 & 25 2024 | Camp Smith (CLASSIFIED plenary)

Abstract Submission Information


The 13th iteration of the annual Information and Electromagnetic Warfare Symposium has been re-named the Information Forces Indo-Pacific Symposium, or INFOPAC. This name change reflects new Joint Doctrine for Operations in the Information Environment, JP 3-04, which establishes the designation of information forces as including Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) Elements, Psychological Operations Forces, Cyberspace units, Civil Affairs units, Public Affairs (PA) Organizations, and Space Operations Elements[1].


The theme for the 2024 INFOPAC Symposium, “Ensuring Information Advantage”, will focus on how the Joint Force, working with Allies and Partners, will gain and retain the initiative in terms of understanding, planning, and operational C2 within an Operational Environment (OE) that includes all the domains of maritime, land, air, space, and cyberspace, the information environment, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to prepare for crisis and conflict should deterrence fail.

Maintaining information advantage at the opening of the crisis requires resilient C2 systems for military operations, as well as resilient networks vital to the functioning of society. These vulnerable civilian networks will be obvious targets for disruption. Our adversaries will go after military and civilian targets to achieve non-kinetic effects and create multiple military operational challenges in the theater of operations, alongside multiple civilian challenges in the homeland. Such non-kinetic attacks will be intended to disrupt C2 and decision-making at the highest levels of U.S./Ally/partner governments.

Retaining information advantage in the crisis phase is critical to regaining the initiative and transitioning to offensive retaliatory action. In conflict, Joint Forces must be able to attain temporary and local information advantage in decisive areas and points in time where forces and effects are massed against enemy forces and capabilities. Information Forces will contribute to these efforts. INFOPAC ’24 will provide attendees to discuss these concepts at the UNCLASSIFIED, S/REL, and TS levels over 5 days.


  • Monday, October 21, 2024 – Virtual Presentations
  • Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22 – 23, 2024 – Unclassified Presentations at the Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach
  • Thursday and Friday, October 24 – 25, 2024 – Classified Presentations at Camp Smith or Satellite Location


We are pleased to invite abstract submissions from subject matter experts in the U.S. and Allied militaries / governments, as well as from academia and industry on the conference theme: “Ensuring Information Advantage”.

Presentations for the full plenary session in the first three days of symposium must be UNCLASSIFIED, and for U.S. Government organizations, carry the Distribution Statement A, “Approved for Public Release.”

Presentations for the classified plenary sessions at Camp Smith should be at the SECRET REL TO USA, DEU, FRA, JPN, KOR, FVEY level or at the SECRET REL TO USA, FVEY. Presentations classified at TS level will be smaller break-out sessios.

Potential session topics and areas of interest are but not limited to:

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations / Spectrum Management
  • Assessment of Operations in the Information Environment
  • Achieving Information Advantage in Peacetime Competition
  • Industry Capabilities Contributing to Achieve Information Advantage[2]
  • AI/ML Applications, Assessment Processes and Function
  • Adversary Concepts and Strategies in Crisis and Conflict
  • Ally and Partner Military Doctrinal and Operational Concepts
  • [1] Joint Staff, Joint Publication JP 3-04 Information in Joint Operations, September 2022.
  • [2] Industry presentations should focus on operational construct/concepts and not be solely focused on industry products and services.


*All Times are Eastern Time

  • Abstract submission closes: July 19, 2024
  • Notification to authors: August 9, 2024
  • Attendee Registration Deadline: September 23, 2024
  • Hotel Room Block: September 23, 2024


  1. Abstracts are due by July 19, 2024 Midnight Eastern with notifications to be sent by August 9, 2024.
  2. Keep session proposals to 500 words or less.
  3. Please indicate the length of time needed for your presentation. Speakers are typically allotted a 40-minute time slot for a 30 minute briefing-style presentation, followed by up to 10 minutes of Q&A, however, should your topic require additional time, please propose a session length that would allow you to fully present your information.
  4. Speaker photo and biography (1000 characters or less) to be posted on the symposium webpages.

Contact Dave Johnson if you have questions about the submission process.

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